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Saturday, July 11, 2015

We've gone a far way since 2014.

Yup, we have done a lot and made lots of improvements in the past year. For example:

A 2014 Cyrex Ad:
A 2015 Cyrex Ad:
So, you get the point. There are some good things happening, but also some bad things. We are getting lots of members, but at the same time, most people on the group are inactive. So, we are going to try and improve cyrex as much as possible! Cyrex in mid/late 2014 was fairly inactive, and i even thought about shutting it down until the members started flowing in. So, lets try and keep up the good work to keep cyrex alive!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Cyrex news is now version 1.0!

If you didn't notice already, we have been doing a lot of experimenting on the website for a while now. We are finished! There is a new search bar, we re-positioned the Weekly Poll, and we changed the background to a more clean and simple one. Hope you enjoy the new update!

Cyrex has a new logo!

Cyrex now has a new and more simple logo. We will keep this logo design unless requested otherwise by the community.

Here's an image of it:

This is the first ever staying official logo. You may have noticed that before this logo, the logos were changing every single month! We have been looking at different designs and seeing how people feel about the new logos.

Do YOU Like the new logo? Vote at the weekle Poll area of this website!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Cyrex has a TeamSpeak Server!

We have a TeamSpeak server now! Now, the community can come together and talk at a friendly place!

The server usually is on until 1:00AM (I need sleep ya know) and it goes online at usually 10:00AM (unless I'm not home). All you have to do is download teamspeak for free, and connect to the following IP:
 If there is nobody on the server, wait and someone might come online!

Monday, July 6, 2015

My resignation has been cancelled!

I have come to the decision that abruptly leaving is not ok, and to leave the group to fall apart is bad. This actually happened a week earlier, but I was making sure everything is alright in the group before I post this. So, I am back! I saw the group was slowly falling apart as it went completely inactive.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My official resignation of Cyrex.

This will be the final cyrex news post (unless I cancel this).
I have officially resigned my duties on Cyrex. I will no longer support cyrex. You can read the full document here. No, this does not mean I am leaving the group, this just means im no longer supporting it (like working on projects, helping the group, etc) as I feel ROBLOX has become a bad place.

Thank you for being a part of cyrex, goodbye.